替换为中文内容 History

Nepal, November 2014

Experts from 12 Asian nations create the AsiaBlight network. Their first goal: compare Asian late blight populations to late blight populations in other parts of the word using molecular markers.

Experts from 12 Asian nations create the AsiaBlight network.
Nepal, 2014
Nepal, 2014
Nepal, 2014
Nepal, 2014
Nepal, 2014
Nepal, 2014
Nepal, 2014
Nepal, 2014

WPC, Beijing, July 2015

An AsiaBlight meeting is held during the World Potato Congress in Beijing, with 50 people attending. In September 2015, network members meet again at the Symposium on Phytophthora in India, and agree to share data on pathogen populations.


AsiaBlight satellite workshop, Beijing 2015

WPC 2015
AsiaBlight satellite meeting at World Potato Congress, Beijing 2015

Aarhus, May 2017

The mapping of LB populations in Asia begins. This project gets some help from a public-private collaboration. Preliminary results are described by Dr Louise Cooke et al., at the 2017 EuroBlight workshop.

Collected samples 2015-2017,  L. Cooke
Louise Cooke, Queen's University, Belfast UK
CIP-CCCAP meeting for AsiaBlight

Beijing, China, September 2018

The CIP-China Center for Asia Pacific (CIP-CCCAP) begins hosting AsiaBlight in order to enable the network to grow and become financially independent.

Wuxi, Chongqing workshop, 2018
Wuxi, Chongqing, China 2018
Wuxi, Chongqing China 2018

Wuxi, Chongqing, July 2018

At a LB workshop, Chinese scientists agree to join the AsiaBlight Network.

AsiaBlight gets a logo and launches its website.

The network continues to expand, following China, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Nepal, Vietnam…

An AsiaBlight International Meeting is scheduled for October in Beijing, co-organized by the International Potato Center (CIP) and China Agricultural University (CAU).

Contest winning logo
Meeting with CAU (China Agricultural University), Plant Protection College, Beijing
Meeting with Sishuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (SAAS) and Heilongjiang academy of Agricultural Sciences (HAAS), Chengdu
Meeting with Chongqing Plant Protection Intitute, Chongqing University, Enshi 2019