AsiaBlight • Who are we?

AsiaBlight is an inclusive network of scientists, companies, farmers and other stakeholders working on potato late blight in Asia.

Together, we build knowledge, skills and technology, promote collaborations, share information, and perform research on late blight.

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Genotype map of Phytophthora Infestans

This map is a link to EuroBlight website.

The map indicate locations where samples were taken for SSR analysis. The map will be updated whenever new survey data are received at Aarhus Universiy hosting the EuroBlight databases. The data will be genotyped using SSR micosatellites at Wageningen University and at the James Hutton Institute. When results are available from these analysis, they will be presented on the EuroBlight web site.

Pathogen Population
Host Resistance
Fungicide Ranking
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